Friday, February 17, 2012

Tell me why?

  • It’s awesome to have a work-life balance. But what if you become too comfortable doing what you’re doing? Is it a sign to move on?
  • Do you have to be “mentally prepared” to get married? Or is it just a matter of circumstances?
  • Is there a right age to do something? What if I want to pack my bags and move to another country to start afresh at the age of 35?
  • Is it ok to quit without having a plan or enough saving? Why can’t you just pursue your hobby all your life?
  • Do you have to share EVERYTHING with your close friends? Will they think any less of you if you keep some things to yourself?
  • Is it important to fill awkward silences just to make everyone comfortable?
  • Do you have to constantly tell your parents you care about them/love them? Can’t it be understood?
  • Why is it important to have a sense of direction in life? Its all about trials and errors isnt it?
  • Is it right to worry about the society or what people think? No matter how much we deny it, why does it bother us so much?
  • Sometimes, why do we take so long in getting what we really want in life? Is it a test of patience of or do we not deserve it at a given time?
  • Its one life to live, one life to love then shouldnt we be happy all the time? Then why arent we?


  1. Life's what you make of it...don't let anyone tell you what to do with yours.
    Having absolutely no pre-concieved notions helps in living in a more fulfilling way, I've learnt.
    Remember, there need not be any rules for living life, except the ones you make for yourself. People around you who love you will adjust to your style of living as long as you give them basic emotional strokes.

  2. Wow ...I jus came across this post and after reading, I felt someone just gave words to my thoughts.

    Exactly word-by-word, I have the same questions in my mind.

    Should you find any answers, please do reply back.

